
Monday, May 30, 2005

sebastian.. today.... nothing like a nice rock to sit on in the water... Posted by Hello

headin to the CLOSED resturaunt yesterday... awwwwwwwwww aint they cute? papa and baby... just reminds me of when i first met him and him walking with MY babies.. thats the picture of him that made me fall in love..;-) Posted by Hello

yesterday... headin home in the rv... the view out the window... Posted by Hello

from yesterday at the lake..papa and baby Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 29, 2005

sebastian and papa... PILOT TO CO PILOT... *L*... taken the RV out for the day...baby really LOVED it.. first time for him... Posted by Hello

moon and baby at the lake today... awwwwwwwwwww aint they cute...  Posted by Hello

sebastian... at the lake resturaunt today... waiting for the food... hard to do when the PLAYGROUND is right across the street..*L* Posted by Hello

today.. at the lake.. GORGEOUS day! sebastian and moon.. Posted by Hello

thats our RV in the parkinglot... this is the lake we had lunch today at.. memorial day weekend . Posted by Hello

today.. harrison... hey! isnt the CHILD supposed to be playing in the water and NOT papa?? *L* moon and sebastian Posted by Hello

where we had lunch today (memorialday) at the lake Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 26, 2005

kage... my alaska grandkiddo... just got this today... purdy cute.. considering i just posted a pic of his cousin a couple seconds ago.. how wild is that! Posted by Hello

dider... i cannot beLIEVE he just barely has learned how to ride a bike...my kids learned when they were about 5... anywho... here he is ... riding around our property.. thinkin hes all cool and stuff..*L*.. (yes.. those ARE scary rocks that come down all the time.. so NICE of my husband to have our home put right NEXT to it..*L* Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

alright... in the RV... ... gosh.. look how long my HAIR is ... so what did i buy that hair accessory for? its curly... ..obviously my hair is long enough as it IS... oh well.. maybe i will take a shot of me wearing it some time... but not today..*L*... cheesy shot of the day... Posted by Hello

oooooooooooKAY.. what kinda dorky face is THIS??? ...OH WELL.. i was just showing you i WAS cleaning the RV today.. okay.. OKAY oooooooooKAY.. i WAS mainly just drinking coffee and enjoying the sunshine and birds and stuff... but i WAS IN THE RV so that HAS to count for SOMETHING... right?  Posted by Hello

yikes! wrinkly crinkly eyes today for SURE! too much tanning... but then i dont think there is a tanning bed where i am going.. so i need to be dark enough to get me through 8 weeks *L*... sounds horrific.. oh well... and excuse the mess in my room... and.. uh.. excuse my dull lifeless hair ...  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

yeah.. well... you know... cleaning house...no makeup.. hair up in a dopey ponytail... crappy old shirt from about 5 years ago... but hey... it IS what it IS... yesterdays cheesy shot of the day Posted by Hello

Monday, May 23, 2005

okay... not really successful in getting ME into this shot.. silly camera phone thang. but good shot of my darlin honeymoon at the resturaunt last nite Posted by Hello

okay... so it looks WARMer in alaska where i will be GOING than it does HERE ... my grandkiddos in alaska... soakin in the sun... (not a very sandy beach there ..*L*) Posted by Hello

new pic of my baby girl ballerina ... granddaughter ally... Posted by Hello

kage in alaska... will be heading there in a few weeks... COOOOOOOOOOLD water! Posted by Hello

moon.. we went to the BIG EDDY for dinner last nite.. on the st joe river... VERY beautiful spot... Posted by Hello

picture of me and moon... moon and i.. US at that cool thing on the indian reservation.. weird.. my face looks devoid of anything.. kinda like one of those yellow HAPPY FACE things.. *L* odd.. Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 22, 2005

ahhhhhhhhhhh water... its what makes this LCing easy.. Posted by Hello

yesterday... playing outside on our mountain.. the boys... Posted by Hello