
Tuesday, December 13, 2005


all my troubles seemed so far away...

oh.. where was i?

sorry.. gotta love that beatles tune eh?

wrinkly crinkly eye shot of the day... yesterday.... Posted by Picasa

moi...cheesy shot of the day...

actually... cheesy shot of YESTERDAY...
oddly enough... daughter1 was asked by me to trim one half inch to an inch off the back of my hair today.... she cut TWO OR THREE inches off the back..
its okay.. it still will go in a pony tail... and the ends were basically fried ....
but in the interest of full disclosure... just wanted to know that while from the FRONT it still looks like this.. the BACK is a little shorter... even though ya really cant tell the difference... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

what do you get when you put SNOW and a CHILD together?

yeppers... a SNOW angel... of course!
what else? *L* Posted by Picasa

25 miles per hour..

yeah.. like ANYONE does THAT on this road...
okay... maybe when its covered with ICE.. but not normally!
sebastian makes us go to this tree to read the numbers everytime we go for a walk...
today was no exception.. Posted by Picasa

the baby..

i think he needs a SCARF!!

will you check out those EYES....
my baby boy... aint he cute... Posted by Picasa

i know.. i know..

ive said it before... but GOD i love this child!
givin gram a branch... (no daisies in sight *L*) Posted by Picasa


the baby seems to think he knows how to run the snowmobile...
i dont THANK so...
anywho... he couldnt see outta that snowcoverediceladen WINDSHIELD even if he DID use it...*L* Posted by Picasa

heading out..

sebastian and i were heading out for a climb up the moutntain today... Posted by Picasa

poor me...

i have to LIVE here..*L*
our yard today...
stunning isnt it? Posted by Picasa


yes... unbeLIEVEAbly enough... after the snow storm comes the beautiful IDAHO BLUE (as my mom used to call it) SKY...
today... (dont mind the ugly big white truck down there on the bottom... i have BEGGED moon to get rid of that junker truck and a couple more of them... but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO he woooooooooooooooont...

where was i?
oh.. okay.. our yard today... Posted by Picasa

why do i LET this child drag me up this silly mountain?

because it is just utterly GORGEOUS this time of year...
okay.. fine! every time of year... for that matter..

sebastian leading me on a trudge up moms side of the property... Posted by Picasa


DONT DO IT SEBASTIAN!! dont take off those gloves!!
on moms side of the road... but in the distance.. where it is sunny and bright is OUR side of the property where my house is.. (okay.. FINE! technically it is ALL my property... but i cant get used to not calling this side that mom and dad lived on THIER side..
sue me.. Posted by Picasa

too through

sebastian took his gloves off.. and now is finally feeling the effects of the bitter cold..
across the STREET however.. it is a different story...
THERE is the reason moon decided we needed our home on that SUNNY side of the road.. (i wanted it where dad was going to build his house and never did...on THIS dark and dreary side that sebastian is on...
also across the street you can see on the left our CLOVER CLUB potato chip truck... another business we had that sucked *L*
chips were good tho..*L* Posted by Picasa

running home!

good GOD its cold out here today... the blue skies belie the fact that it is FREEZING.. sebastian had had enough and his hands got cold... so here he is runnin his little butt home to warm up...
this is the road i usually walk on...
not today! gazelle it is! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 03, 2005


thank GOD... shes HOME...
daughter1 was supposed to come to our house this morning to A) drop off the kiddos for me to watch... and B) to take daughter2 home and then to work as she spent the nite at OUR house which is out of town ONE direction ... to daughter2s which is out of town ANOTHER direction... FROM her house which is out of town yet ANOTHER direction.,..
unfortunately for ME.. she DIDNT show up... at 8 ... when she was supposed to..or 8:30 ..or yes.. even at 8:40..

WHICH is by the way the time I HAD to go take daughter home.. then to work... THEN out of town to daughter1's in search of whether she was stuck in a ditch with the babies..or just couldnt get out of her driveway..

here is her new car (used..just new to her) ... and yet i am STILL going after her,,,grrrrrrrrrrr
soooooooooooooooo glad she isnt stuck ..or in a ditch...
but here i am ... sittin outside her house... waiting for her to get ready... she overslept....:-(

once a mother... always a mother... Posted by Picasa

waiting still

hmmmm how odd.. like mother like daughter i guess.. HER house has a tree growing out of it TOO i guess... never really noticed it ... but here i am WAITING for her to come out... so i noticed how pretty it looks .. Posted by Picasa

still waiting....

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... okay.. i admit it..
i am a bit pissy right now... not ONLY did i have to drive over to daughter1's house (she has no phone... i know.. i know... dont even get me STARTED on THAT right now) and NOW i am waiting OUTSIDE while she gets ready... at this point i didnt realize the kiddos had spent the night at her friends house... so i was waiting THINKING i was waiting for THEM.. not for HER to get her butt up and out the door for work..:-(

oh well.. i would have waited ANYWAY ... so that i KNEW for sure she got out of her driveway and to town okay... Posted by Picasa


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heading off to get the kiddos...

daughter1 is going too fast here i think ,,grrrrrrrr
cant even see her.. and I am the one with STUDS and she is the one with just all weather tires..:-(
anywho... got her up and this is her driveway heading to town... Posted by Picasa

creepy square clouds....

heh heh... okay its the window glare and the reflection of the lights in the hospitol...
outside the spokane hospitol moon got his cath done yesterday.. Posted by Picasa

spokane washington

this was yesterday at the heart institute..
picture is out the window.. so some glare... but you get the drift...it was a NASTY drive from here to there...:-( Posted by Picasa

someones not happy...

waited from 7a.m till 9:30 to get this show on the road...
for someone who cant sit still for five minutes... this isnt fun... and the expression says it all Posted by Picasa

after the cath...

oh man... its so hard to see moon look so out of it... but he is okay... so thats the MAIN thing! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 01, 2005

do NOT attempt this at home..

buried bike... not easy to ride... Posted by Picasa


mainstreet... my town...
yeppers.. that WOULD be snow piled up in the MIDDLE of the road ... nearly six feet high...
roads dont look all that great either... do they.,..? Posted by Picasa